i run, yoga, spin and lift very small and girly arm weights

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm not a "good" one.

I run because I want to be fit - in the sense that I want to look fit and feel fit. I run because I perceive running to have more physical impact than something with less cardio, i.e. yoga or pilates. So I figure this way: I need to do exercise or else I gain weight and become slightly... bitchy. Exercise solves both of these probs for me! I don't have much free time, so if I am going to exercise, I need to do what will do the most for me in the least amount of time... hence, the decision to run.
I sort of abandoned other forms of exercise in the past couple of years because of time constraints. Running you can do anywhere, so it's quite convenient.
I am not a very good runner in that I don't have a lot of mind over matter stamina and am not huge on 'I'll run fast because I want to' - I either need to be really well-rested or have a double espresso. So I usually run on the treadmill.
I do, however, really enjoy running outside and in the summer usually do that. That is, if I'm well-rested and have access to espresso. And if it's a nice day.
I've been running as principle exercise for a few years and have always wanted to be a good runner - the kind that can run with anyone and not be sure that I'll be embarassed if I happen to run with someone who's "good".
My sister is getting married next month so I've been trying to step it up over the past few months in order to fit into the dress I bought for her wedding.